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  • Finding Strength in Vulnerability: Navigating Life's Storms as a Self Made Dad

Finding Strength in Vulnerability: Navigating Life's Storms as a Self Made Dad

Hey Self Maders,

It's been a whirlwind of emotions lately, hasn't it? As fathers, we often find ourselves navigating through the highs and lows of life with unwavering strength and determination. But what happens when the storms of life hit us with unexpected force, leaving us feeling vulnerable and unsure?

I'll be the first to admit it: this past week has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me. Between the demands of work, the milestones of my children, and the ever-present pressure to do it all, I've found myself grappling with feelings of overwhelm and uncertainty.

Have you ever been there? That moment when it feels like the weight of the world is resting squarely on your shoulders, and the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other feels like an impossible task? It's a tough place to be, isn't it?

But here's the thing I've come to realize: vulnerability is not a sign of weakness; it's a testament to our humanity. It's okay to not have all the answers, to stumble and fall along the way. What matters most is how we rise from the ashes, stronger and more resilient than before.

So, how do we find strength in vulnerability? How do we weather the storms of life without losing sight of who we are and what we stand for?

Here are a few things I've learned along the way:

1. Embrace Your Emotions: Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you're feeling, whether it's fear, sadness, or frustration. Acknowledge your emotions without judgment, knowing that it's okay to not always be okay.

2. Reach Out for Support: You don't have to navigate life's challenges alone. Lean on your friends, family, and fellow Self Made Dads for support and guidance. Sometimes, a listening ear or a comforting word can make all the difference.

3. Practice Self-Care: Remember to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Prioritize activities that bring you joy and replenish your spirit, whether it's going for a walk in nature, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a few moments to breathe.

4. Focus on What You Can Control: In times of uncertainty, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by all the things we can't control. Instead, shift your focus to what you can control—your attitude, your actions, and your choices.

5. Find Meaning in the Journey: Every storm we weather, every challenge we overcome, is an opportunity for growth and transformation. Embrace the lessons learned along the way, knowing that each experience shapes us into the fathers—and the men—we are meant to be.

So, to all the Self Made Dads out there facing their own storms: you are not alone. Together, let's embrace our vulnerability, find strength in our shared humanity, and navigate life's challenges with courage and resilience.

Until next time,


Founder, Self Made

P.S. This book has really helped me navigate some of those tough times. https://amzn.to/3y53kDL

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